Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Understanding Proprioception and Vestibular Function

Two great videos explaining the behaviors that people with proprioception and vestibular function issues can sometimes display. These may be helpful to share with people who are getting to know your child....or just don't seem to 'get' your child....


Vestibular Function:

Monday, November 4, 2013

First Runner With Down Syndrome Finishes NYC Marathon

This is such a great story....but there are two special side notes that are even more uplifting than completing a marathon (his SECOND marathon, no less!).
1. He did it because he and another friend who were both non-runners decided to try something new!
2. Participating in a community activity with a friend (which is something that any 'typical' person would do with a friend) has had a profoundly positive impact on this young man's entire life!

It just warms my heart....and gives me hope for the future!  Gotta love the Best Buddies Program!!!

Watch the video here